Johannesburg MarketWeb Scraping

Web scraping with Google Sheets

A picture of the Johannesburg Market Website.

Project Overview

The intention behind this project was to collect data from Johannesburg Market and use it to determine the most profitable crop to grow as a new farmer. The daily price for a predetermined number of crops was collected from Johannesburg Market website. These predetermined crops were selected based on prior research and these crops were Spinach, Cabbage, Tomato, and Basil. The data would be stored on Google Sheets due to its usability for working in teams and being stored online. The data was collected using Google’s scripting platform Google Apps Script which uses Javascript and XML. The script would collect information about the aforementioned crops from Johannesburg Market’s website everyday at 12pm. This script has been running since 20 February 2021.

An image of different crops to be sold on a store shelf.
Fig 1: An image of different crops sold at Johannesburg Market.
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